Danielle Rose
The story behind the artist
My life has been lavished with more blessings than I could ever deserve. My mother and father-- Dan & Rosey (hence my name, Danielle Rose)-- are joyful, generous, selfless, patient, extraordinary but ordinary, saints-in-the-making. I grew up in Duluth, MN, across the street from the shores of Lake Superior, with a gentle sweetheart of a little brother, and a dream come true little sister. I studied classical violin, played in fiddle contests with my dad, and began writing folk music at age 14. In highschool, I performed in an alternative rock band, with my daringly dorky dad as our faithful soundman. It was not difficult for me to comprehend the love of God the Father and the profound tenderness of Jesus' Mother Mary, because my parents have always loved me so unconditionally. I truly aspire to become more like them.
At the age of 17, my parents allowed me to travel alone for a month to Delhi, India to volunteer with Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity. This experience completely changed my life, and inspired me with the desire to serve the poorest of the poor by offering my gift of music as a means of alleviating spiritual poverty.
After studying music & theology at the University of Notre Dame ('02), I gratefully spent many years full-time on the road as a Catholic Christian singer/songwriter. I recorded 5 albums of original music from ages 21-32. I would find myself on airplanes each week sitting next to businessmen who would ask me what I did. "I get to sing for God and hug people!!!" I'm pretty sure I met the kindest people across the planet, each place I was welcomed to serve. So much beauty.
Seeking to know God's will for my vocation, I spent two and a half years in formation and discernment in a contemplative convent (2007-2009), and this journey of surrender ultimately led me to embrace the gift of my vocation to marriage. From 2010-2013, I offered all concerts on the road to raise spiritual and material support for China Little Flower orphanage. My future husband joined a mission trip of young adults that I was organizing to China, and we were engaged four months later. I am thankful for every trial and tear that prepared me to receive the gift of my humble and holy, earthly spouse.
When Mitchell and I were united in the Sacrament of Marriage on my 33rd baptismal anniversary, I knew that I was called to radically love and serve Jesus by laying down my life for our family. When we were blessed with the miracle of our firstborn child, I gladly surrendered the active music ministry back into God's hands--as I had done in entering the convent. It may look like I simply abandoned my talents or the chance to make a significant impact on the world. But don't be fooled. I still do have a full time ministry, and it is motherhood. Five children on earth, and two at home with God. Agnes, Genevieve, Josef, +Mary Seraphina (7-22-20), +Frederick Albert (12-28-20), Walter, and Magnificat Fiat.
"Beauty Unnoticed" is the first album I've recorded in over 10 years, and the first since becoming a wife and mother. These songs were all written and recorded in the 'Mamastery' of our home in Birmingham, Alabama. There are no glamorous stories of international travels, or weeks creatively crafting in artsy, Nashville, recording studios. Rather, this album was recorded in baby steps from November 2020 to May 2021 during the nap time hour of our toddler son, Josef. I was fully dedicated to homeschooling our children (ages 7, 5, & 3), cooking daily suppers from scratch, and attempting to keep our house tidy. (HA!) Several angel mother friends would rotate babysitting hours to come play with Agnes and Genevieve while I went down to my windowless, cinderblock basement office with producer Monroe Jones, and recorded sections of these songs until Josef woke from his nap. The musical recording was officially completed on the one year anniversary of our daughter's death.
"Beauty Unnoticed" was created as a gift for my daughter and son who went home to God. I think of it as a sort of dowry for their wedding feast with Jesus. It was not recorded with hopes of suddenly becoming impressively noticed on social media. It was not created with a grand marketing scheme, nor for profitability. This music was a gift from Jesus to heal my heart in the crushing grief of walking through the death of our beloved daughter and son. Perhaps it was for this reason alone that God gifted me with the ability to compose music-- because when Mary Seraphina was stillborn from a cord accident, and our son Frederick Albert was miscarried 6 months later, I might have shut down completely were it not for the grace of interior transformation brought about by God's love through songwriting.
The funds for recording this album were provided entirely by donations directed to our nonprofit, Danielle Rose Ministries, a 501(c)3 whose mission is to offer the gift of music as a means of alleviating spiritual poverty. I had never asked for financial assistance for myself before, but I felt a conviction to send one email in November 2020. The outpouring of generosity from friends, family, and strangers was nothing short of miraculous and stunning. I am overwhelmed with gratitude because everything about this album is literally a gift that I have received from others who have loved me more than I could ever deserve, or give back in return. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
In the writing and recording of these songs, I was accompanied on the bridge from grief to healing. I was led across that bridge by Jesus, my daughter and my son. May that same hope and healing I received be, in turn, gifted to others in their grief.
I believe that Jesus intentionally chose to spend his time on earth when there were no cameras, no recording devices, no social media channels, not even cars or airplanes. Instead, Jesus spent 91% of his life on earth hidden in utter obscurity in the ordinary life of a frugal family home in Nazareth. Then he chose to proclaim the Gospel for 9% of his life--spending almost the entirety of that active ministry in another obscure, 5 mile stretch of small villages along the Sea of Galilee. What did he choose to do? He chose to share God's love with others one person at a time, face to face. When there was a crowd of people in his midst, he would consistently reveal his intention to notice and minister to one specific person desperately in need of God's loving mercy. He could have done it any other way, but that was how he chose to share the Gospel in its utter mystery and perfection. Truly encountering and healing one person at a time.
I am aware that at this particular moment in history, there are countless other people who have suffered the loss of a child-- whether years ago, or in the recent past. There are stories of child loss that remain untold, grief that remains quietly buried, and departed children whose beauty still remains unnoticed. My prayer is that every person who has lost a child would know the capacity of Jesus to draw forth beauty from tragic suffering.
God has asked me to share this album with others, and so I will. One person, one family, one departed child at a time. I have no intention of suddenly plunging back into active ministry on the road, starting an impressive podcast, launching a marketing campaign, or seeking a social media following. I am confident that God will have his way bringing this music directly to those who will experience hope and healing through it.
Imagine if all of us ordinary, little people would work together and simply reach out to one person in our midst whose child has gone home to God... to assure them that their child’s beauty does not remain unnoticed in this world or the next. Imagine if we would just enflesh the love of God who remembers never to forget. If we would just each open our eyes to encounter the person suffering right in front of us. Let us begin.
Offering the gift of music as a means
of alleviating spiritual poverty
We gratefully welcome the gift of your support to carry out the efforts of Danielle Rose Ministries, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.